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Male, 54 Years

Ron T.

Male, 54 Years

Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong

American Harvard and Yale Educated Economics Tutor


I am an Ivy League educated tutor ready to help you learn economics to achieve higher exam scores and gain admission to top universities.

  • HK$300

    Hourly rate
  • 35

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500 characters remaining

Educational Qualification

Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and Computer Science

Yale University

  • United States
  • 1993

PhD in Mathematics

Harvard University

  • United States
  • 2007

Learning Materials

PPT Slides

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Video lessons

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Study Notes

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Reviews Received

Sarah Miller

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Ron helped me prepare for exams. He is a very patient, very focused tutor who has improved my ability to learn. Thanks to Ron, I was ready to take the tests. I would strongly recommend Ron!

Posted on: 28 October, 2020

Ron Hevey

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

He is very professional, friendly and most importantly an expert in his field. I have enormous respect for him. I will always contact him whenever I need help.

Posted on: 28 October, 2020

Ron Hevey

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Ron tutored my son over the summer. Thanks to Ron’s approach and teaching style, my son scored an A grade on a major exam. Thank you Ron!

Posted on: 28 October, 2020

Ron Hevey

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Ron is a very talented and knowledgeable tutor. He is patient and supportive and had a very nice way about him. He came extremely prepared which impressed me. A pleasure to work with and definitely a class act.

Posted on: 28 October, 2020

Ron Hevey

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Ron is a fantastic teacher. He is patient and plans lessons in a highly effective format that helps my son understand . He also makes the lessons fun so my son looks forward to the sessions. Thanks Ron, you're an absolute star!

Posted on: 28 October, 2020

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